Sleep and exercise: a dynamic duo

We’re often motivated to exercise by the benefits we stand to gain, including weight loss and improved fitness, muscle tone and mood. What if we told you lack of sleep can halt those hard earned gains?
Reduce alcohol, improve your fitness

It can feel good to have a few drinks to kick back and relax but did you know that alcohol can impede our performance and enjoyment of exercise?
Making the most of online workouts

Working out at home can be amazing. Really maximise the time and effort you’re putting in by following a few simple tips on online workouts.
Brushing up on exercise terms

Do you know your reps from your sets? Take a moment to glance over our physical activity glossary to see how many terms you’re familiar with.
Walking for weight loss

Being active is key for a healthy body and mind. Good old fashioned walking is easy, free and accessible to most. Let’s have a look at how it can help weight loss, and what we can do to mix it up.
8 ways to stay fit with kids

Children see what we do, not just what we say they should do. An active lifestyle boosts health and wellbeing for us all. Here’s some dynamic ways to get small people moving with us.