Official NHS guidelines suggest men and women shouldn’t drink more than 14 units per week on a regular basis. We should also look to spread these units over 3 or more days and aim for several alcohol-free days too.
What’s considered binge drinking? The NHS defines it as ‘drinking lots of alcohol in a short space of time or drinking to get drunk. In terms of units, binge drinking is drinking more than:
- 8 units of alcohol in a single session for men
- 6 units of alcohol in a single session for women
Doing this can cause our bodies undue stress:
- After drinking 5-7 units, our risk of harm (including accidents and injuries) increases between 2-5 times.
- When we’re drunk, we’re more likely to take risks, make poor decisions and lose our self-control.
- Our bodies can only process 1 unit of alcohol per hour. This is why we cope better drinking over a longer period.
Factors that influence binge drinking
- Environmental. Where you are, for example a bar after work, a nightclub, the local pub, at home etc.
- Psychological. Perhaps you suffer from low-self esteem or self-confidence and fire yourself up with alcohol. Or maybe you’re stressed or have depression or anxiety and use alcohol as a crutch to cope.
- Social. Are you with colleagues full of bluster and bravado or friends who you want to let your hair down with? Is it payday? Who you’re with can make a huge difference to drinking habits.
Here’s some signs that you might have a problem with binge drinking:
- You drink excessive amounts of alcohol on the weekends or at social events
- You drink so much alcohol that it causes you to blackout
- You consume 4 or 5 drinks in less than 2 hours
- You often drink more than you’ve planned
- You engage in behaviours you later regret
- You experience worry about your behaviour the next day — known as ‘hangxiety’
Alongside reduced productivity at work and impaired interpersonal relationships, binge drinking has long and short-term effects on our health and wellbeing, including:
- Alcohol poisoning
- Accidents
- Heart disease/stroke
- Liver disease
- Increased risk of some cancers
- Memory impairment
- Mental health problems
If you’d like to change your habits surrounding drinking, try these tactics:
- Make a plan. Before an event, decide your limit, and stick to it. Rope in a friend to help you stay on track.
- Ensure you’ve eaten a meal before drinking. This will help your BAC.
- Intersperse alcoholic drinks with low-cal soft drinks or water. This will keep you hydrated and cut down on the volume of alcohol you drink.
- Drink spirits ‘long’ with a larger ratio of mixer to spirit.
- Make sure you get on your feet regularly. It can be very easy to get cosy in a corner at the pub or on the sofa at home and not realise how inebriated you’re becoming.
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