5 smart ways to save money

Saving money doesn’t have to just be about extreme thrift. Here are some smart ways to boost your bank balance. 

How to manage money as a couple

Money can be a source of stress in relationships, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips for managing your finances as a couple. 

Practical steps to manage impulse buying 

It’s all too easy to get swept away when shopping and end up impulse buying stuff we don’t need. Here’s how to control frivolous spending and keep your budget in check.

Money and mental health

Struggling with money can make you feel stressed, anxious and depressed, so how can you protect your mental health?

8 steps to make a budget that works for you

If you’re feeling stressed about money, it can feel like there’s no hope of getting it under control. Taking the time to create a budget is one way you can start to reduce anxiety.